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Extensive Quality Control or "Peer Review" checklists for
Plumbing Construction Documents to check for: Coordination between Design
Disciplines, Errors and Omissions or Inconsistencies in the Plumbing
Design, "Rule of Thumb" system capacities and flow rates,
General Constructability, and "Spot-checks" of pipe and
equipment sizes. Also included are Basic review items for Building
Department and Building Code comments and requirements.
Thorough coverage of review items for typical Projects is included to
assure efficient use of your time and to increase your Value to
your Clients.
Contents Page
Plumbing Peer Review Package includes over (70)
Pages and Spreadsheets that cover many of the Design and Engineering
Requirements associated with typical Projects. Hyperlinks are
provided to help select the topics that are relevant to the project being
reviewed. Checklists can be printed to assist with the Review and
for project documentation. To view the Contents Page of the Plumbing
Peer Review Package, click the adjacent image for a full size view.
Project Information
The first page of the Plumbing Peer Review Package is the "Basic
Project Information" form. This should be the first Form to be
completed for every project. Project information that is inserted in
this Form is automatically transferred to other Programs for use in
calculations and for documenting project data. (Click Image to
Coordination Between Disciplines
Thorough list of review items is provided to help
assure that all Design Elements and Tasks have been Coordinated between
all members of the Project Design Team. Included are
Checklists for Coordination with the Architect and/or Owner,
Structural Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Plumbing Engineer, Civil
Engineer, and Electrical Engineer. A partial view of the first page
of the "Coordination Between Disciplines" is representative of
the section. (Click to enlarge)
Plumbing Plan Review
An extensive collection of review items (over 30
pages) covers complete checking of Plumbing Construction Documents for
typical Projects. Sections are arranged by Drawing or
Sheet Type, such as "Schedule Sheets" and "Plumbing
Underground Floor Plans", and include hyperlinks for easy navigation
to the specific location. A partial view of the first page of the
"Plumbing Plan Review Items" is representative of the
section. Also see the "Typical Checklist Example",
below. (Click image to enlarge)
Plumbing Code Review
A checklist of representative items that are
likely to be reviewed by Building Department Plan Reviewers.
These items are not intended to be all-inclusive of all Building Codes and
Regulations, and may not apply in every Jurisdiction. Included
with most items is an indication of the Section and Paragraph Numbers from
the Building Code, Mechanical Code, and Plumbing Code. A partial
view of the first page of the "Plumbing Code Review Items" is
representative of the section. (Click image to enlarge)
Plumbing Schedule Checklists
An extensive collection of review items (over 12
pages) covers complete checking of Plumbing Equipment Schedules for
typical Projects. Sections are arranged alphabetically
by Equipment Type, such as "Air Compressors" and "Water
Heaters", and include hyperlinks for easy navigation to the specific
location. A partial view of the first page of the "Plumbing
Schedule Checklist" is representative of the section. Also see
the "Typical Checklist Example", below. (Click image to
 Typical Spreadsheets and Check Figures
Included with the Plumbing Peer Review Package are several
calculation spreadsheets and Industry-standard check figures. These
programs and check figures assist in checking the Plumbing Construction
Documents and Design Calculations. (Click any image to
Typical Checklist Examples
The partial views of two pages of the
"Plumbing Plan Review" and "Plumbing Schedule
Checklist" are representative of the review items that are available
in these sections. They indicate the extensive information
and recommended calculations that are included within the Plumbing Peer
Review Software Package. Also included in the Software Package is a
"Freeware" Conversion Program that can be used for many typical
conversions, such as English to SI Units. (Click any image to
ALL of the above Checklists, Forms, and Extras are included in the
Plumbing Peer Review Package. Order now to assure that you will
receive the low "Limited Time Special Prices". Go to the Prices/Orders page for details.
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